Swatching and Spinning (oh and measuring feet . . .)

Thanks for all of the votes on the socks and hats challenge. I think we can safely say that knitters . . . do as they please. And it’s good to remember just how quirky and fun and different we all are 🙂 Thanks for the ideas and camaraderie!

I have been at a loss with my knits for the past two nights . . . not because I have lost the spirit, but because I have nothing on the needles and only big projects in sight!

I have a swatch all ready to measure for C’s hot-dance-pants! And we have selected a pattern to “follow.” I sent her three possibilities:

Option 1: Image courtesy of Andrea Rangel; pattern is Kalaloch (LOVE this one!)


Option 2: Image courtesy of Stephen West; pattern is Fancy Pantsy


Option 3: Image courtesy of DROPS; pattern is Tights


C picked #3–she wants the pants to be high-waisted and then end just below the knees.

While I was not thinking through hot-dance-pants, I picked up my spinning again–I have a fractal plan for some fiber and so far, so good! I can’t wait to see how the two singles ply together!

IMG_1683 IMG_1688

I’ve also been measuring feet for a new pair of socks! Steve, who helped with the Drum Carder build (a few months ago) deserves a pair, don’t you think? So we measured his feet and discussed style and soon, oh so soon, I will have some more socks on the needles 🙂

And, finally, I’m coordinating a big destash of fiber and (some) yarn for my FB buddies. That should go live in some of my favorite groups either over the weekend or early next week.

What have you all been up to?

This entry was posted in designs, fractal, hot-pants, inspiration, knitting, pants, spinning, swatch. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Swatching and Spinning (oh and measuring feet . . .)

  1. meggiewes says:

    I love how the first pants look. That cable detail down the sides just make me so happy, but the pants C chose look like they will be really nice.

    Your fiber looks really nice. I love looking at how fiber looks before you spin it. One day, I’m going to get three braids of fiber and spin it up different ways just to see how many ways I can get the colors to come out. I think that would be fun to do.


  2. lissymail says:

    thanks! and yes to the 3-way fiber test. I have been dreaming of doing that myself! Would be terrific to see how it turns out.


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