What if Everyone was Knitting?

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When you’re nervous, some say you should imagine your audience in their underwear. I think this sounds awkward. And ineffective. But, who am I to judge?

When I’m out in public at a soccer game or sitting in a meeting or waiting in an airport, I do imagine everyone around me  . . . knitting. Yep. Fully clothed, but totally immersed in the fiber arts. At some point along my knitting journey, perhaps when I read Kate Davies book about Haps and piecework or when I learned about the mitten quotas in Iceland, I began to look around me and imagine the scads of knitwear that we could collectively produce. What if everyone was knitting? Would we be happier? More productive, surely. Would we dread knitting as an imposed social requirement? Would we all be a little more zen?

And this question led me down another rabbit hole: thinking about all of the stitches I fit into the interstices–not just the evening marathon sessions, but the quiet moments waiting in a line, or during a car trip the the grocery store, or sitting on the porch in the sunshine for a quick morning work break. All of those tiny moments add up to sweaters and socks and shawls. As my husband would say: it’s like the strangely improbably task of eating a bowl of soup one spoonful at a time; and then suddenly it’s done and you’re full! Ok, maybe that’s a weird analogy, but you get my point. Little stitches, after little stitches, adding up to make something beautiful and warm and colorful.

This entry was posted in community, Knit in public, knitting, not knitting, unexpected. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to What if Everyone was Knitting?

  1. I’m still astounded by how all those little stitches add up over time. I liken this fact of knitting to running a marathon – the 26 miles are made up of individual steps. If knitting were a sport, I suspect it’d be for endurance(!). Great post, Melissa!


  2. madgeface says:

    The “imagine everyone naked” trick never worked for me either but I think imagining everyone knitting would work; I’m going to try it the next time I have to speak in front of a group. It helps me to remember that a few minutes and stitches here and there add up to a finished project – sometimes my impatience to have an FO can get the better of me, and other times I hope that a project never ends. A lovely, thoughtful post, Melissa!


  3. polwygle says:

    You are right about all of those tiny moments. I can almost always squeeze in a row or two during a ten-minute car ride across town with my husband. 👍🏼


    • Some of the best knitting is car knitting, that’s for sure! How are you, by the way?? I feel like I haven’t seen blog posts in a bit–I hope all is well 🙂


      • polwygle says:

        I should have answered this question yesterday. We got really good news regarding one family member’s health, but today the other shoe dropped and quite hard, too. It’s been hard for me to knit for a variety of reasons. I keep looking at the yarn – the future pair of socks, the future shawl – and I don’t want to build into them these moments of affliction and sorrow. I keep reminding myself that this is just a season and that this too shall pass. *sigh* Knitting used to be such a good stress reliever, but now I don’t know. I’m sure it’ll pass.


      • Hey Polly–sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment! I’m sending all good thoughts for you and family and hoping things calm down in all the best ways soon enough 🙂 Sorry to hear things are trying at the moment!


  4. I like the idea of a completely knitting world… I get the feeling that all other concerns would immediately become less urgent, because “I just have to finish this row first”! 😉


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