Episode 43: Cologne, Cashmere & Conservancy

Episode 43 is in three parts: a trip to the yarn shops of Cologne, Germany; sample knits revealed(!) for June Cashmere; and a discussion about conserving knowledge, yarn, sheep, and even foodways! I also introduce our new pup, Millie!!! It’s always a fun time to hang out . . . won’t you join me for a spell? ~Melissa



Ravelry group: https://www.ravelry.com/groups/knittingthestash

This entry was posted in Cologne, Germany, conservancy, episode, Garn Store, Knit in public, knitting, knitting podcast, Old Crow Art Yarns, puppies, soulful stash, travel, Uncategorized, variegated yarn, video, yarn, yarn crawl. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Episode 43: Cologne, Cashmere & Conservancy

  1. Millie is such a cutie-pop! I hope she and Tink are having a great time together. Another very enoyable episode, loved hearing about your yarn adventures as well as your symposium in Cologne. I had a holiday in Dortmund, Germany a couple of years ago with my sisters and we had fun exploring the yarn shops.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mlegan says:

    Thanks for the kind words. Really enjoyed the visit to Cologne – some day! Isn’t the June Cashmere a dream after you wash it? And I like the Fiber Trek conneciton. I have a vests worth of her Shackleton waiting to be knit up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Mary Lou! Yes–it’s a worthy city for a visit–plus, it’s on the water and has some beautiful shoreline 🙂 So col that you have a vests worth! Are you going to design your own vest? It’ll be beautiful!


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